eclecticards by barb

Want to go somewhere else?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Look???!!!

I'm trying to change up the look of my blog and I've got a few, okay, quite a few, things to tweek!  I've got to get rid of these dots, move my heading over and see what else needs to be improved on.  I was so 2000's looking!  I must get up to par!  So, please bear with me through the construction /renovation period....

Today I started off the day with a migraine, haven't had one as bad as today in a long time.  I did not get up until noon, can't say that I'm proud of that, but that is just what happens some days.   I did manage to get the Christmas decorations down and packed, moved upstairs, and just a few feet away from the attic where they need to go live for another 11 months!  Except that now, the house looks empty! 

Tomorrow is a holiday for us.  We talked about going up to Canadian to a museum there that opened about 2 years ago I believe.  They have some incredible displays there and I've always wanted to go.  So we are going to venture there I think.  I've got a dental appointment for a cleaning, but I am going to call them and tell them that I have a better offer - a date with my husband!  And, my husband always wins!

It's late, and I really need to head to bed....  Until next time....

Hugs all around,

I got rid of the dots!  YEAH!  for me!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy your headache went away!!!! I know what you mean about the decorations. The house almost looks naked. lol
