eclecticards by barb

Want to go somewhere else?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Albums, Journals, Diaries, Whatever you want to call them....

Happy middle (almost) of July!  I have been looking at several albums that I want to make.  I did start a journal with some various techniques in it and it's looking pretty awesome if I do say so myself!  When it's complete, or more complete, I'll share some of the pages with  you.  I'm playing with gesso and texture paste.  I love the affects of the paste.  It gives it a "lift", 3D look, etc... I've also bought a Gelli Plate.  I want to see how I can make some awesome backgrounds with that. 

The album that I really want to do is this one by Scrapadabadoo's Time Travel Mini Album. It looks so easy and she has the instructions right there on the page.  I just need to find some paper scraps, and who doesn't have paper scraps?!  Get me some medium to heavy weight chipboard and scrap and cover away! 

.... well, I'm off to see what I can find to do this.  Stay tuned to see if I was successful...
