eclecticards by barb

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Friday, March 11, 2011

3 Days Straight....

Here it is the 11th day of March and I've been suffering with a  migraine for three straight days with no relief.  I have taken everything that my doctor has instructed me to use and in the order to use them.  I came home from work early on Wednesday, worked all day Thursday (because I thought I HAD to!) and then decided this morning that I needed to stay home and try to self-induce myself into a type of coma to sleep it off... but nothing has worked.  I called my doctor, but he had nothing new to offer today.  It's late evening as I am writing this and still no relief.  My hubby is such a good support for me.  He is super about understanding my pain and issues.  He tries really hard to be super quiet, and keeping the kitties and puppies quiet too, which sometimes is a BIG challenge!  Thanks Honey.

But on a lighter side, I took some pictures of some cards that I am making to try once again for another card contest that I've been mentioning in previous posts.  They are due in the mail by March 23rd.  I've got one final one to do and then I'll get them off in the mail.  I am really satisfied and proud of the way they have all turned out. I will post pictures on here when I know that I can, as of right now, I am not sure if I can or not.  I sure don't want to jinx any luck that I might have!  I sure wish I could make enough money to make cards full time!  I enjoy making them so much.  It's my therapy!  My "habit", my "fix", my "need"... I just LOVE making cards! Can't you tell?! 

I guess I better get ready to head to bed and see if I can sleep tonight.... Hope to have some new cards that I can post here this weekend.

Hugs all around.... Barb